Being a great online marketer is something that most feel is only for the 1% of people that actually make money online or that are in that “inner circle”. But, I came to a conclusion that their is no “inner circle” and that you can become a great marketer next month if you just follow seven steps.
The inspiration of today’s blog post is coming from a sermon that my pastor Nathaniel Edmond at Second Baptist Church in Elgin, Il gave yesterday about being a great man.
I was thinking to myself that a lot of these steps that he was talking about can be figured into being a great online marketer as well.
Lets dive right in:
- You’re going to have to submit yourself to studying one area of online marketing and really focus on trying to be the best at that one specific area. This takes a lot more courage and dedication then what you might feel. I know some people might just think “yeah that’s easy”. But, if it was then most people would already be successful. You have to look at one area of business that you would like to focus on the most and really study that one area of business for at least six months. Don’t purchase any new products in any new areas just on one specific area. You have to apply the skills that you learn in your business each week.
- Being a leader in your field is very important but to do that you really have to take a stand in the specific niche that you would want to be within. Danny Brown didn’t become popular as a marketing blogger by writing posts on cooking classes or yoga classes. He studied and focused on one niche and now he has one of the top marketing blogs on the web. Being known as a leader online is all about your specific niche and how focused you are on being active within that niche. How active you are plays a huge roll so you should start blogging at least two times per week on your own blog and one guest post per week or submitting one per week at least. Give your community great information on a regular bases and you will become the leader that will make you a successful marketer.
- You’re going to have to start separating yourself from people that really don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish in your business. If they’re not trying to understand your business and just bring negativity then they have to go. This was an area that I took very seriously in early 2011 and I feel really good about that decision. I stopped the back and forth arguing with people and focused my attention on meeting people that are trying to accomplish the same goals as I am.
- Start creating your own products now. Being an affiliate of products is great and you can make money from it but if you want to be a leader and if you want people to notice you then you need to set your own stage. You need to create value for your brand so that you’re noticeable for everyone. This might take some time but you need to start writing out some product ideas. You can either give it away for free or charge people but either way you need to set something new up within the next ninety days.
- Don’t tell yourself that you want to make $1000 in two months but then go out drinking and partying every weekend. Sacrifice is one of the biggest areas that most people never seem to understand. Lewis Howes talks about this a lot when he first came online and how he sacrificed a lot to have a successful business. Now look at him. He’s traveling the world and created freedom for himself that he only could of imagined when he first came online. You should sacrifice things that you won’t really miss at the end of the morning.
- It’s going to be time to switch your attitude. To switch your friends and to switch your entire way of thinking. To become a successful online marketer switching the way you do everything is going to be a very important area that you need to do. You can’t take this step lightly at all because this is the step that will take you from just a couple of bucks per week to a couple hundred per week. Switch the things that you’re doing from the clothes you wear to the places you go to work at.
- You’re going to have to substitute all of the negative things that you think about with positive things. Every time you think about saying something negative you need to follow up with something positive. The more positive you are the better it will be for your entire business. Substitution is a big factor and you don’t want to miss out on something like this for your business. I’ve seen so many people drag their business into the ground because they’re so negative about everything. Don’t be that person and substitute things.
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