Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Everybody was kung-fu fighting


Apple may dip Intel chips, OS X 10.9 is waking up from a cat nap, and Amazon’s taking home the bacon in Europe. The remainders for Tuesday, November 6, 2012 are fast as lightning.
Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel for Mac (BloombergBusinessweek)
A report in Bloomberg suggests that Apple may be considering dumping the Intel chips that power Macs in favor of Apple-designed chips like those in the company’s iOS devices. Pretty soon you’ll pop open your MacBook only to find it’s just a big aluminum shell around an iPhone.
Mac OS 10.9 computers already appearing in our analytics logs (9to5Mac)
Speaking of the Mac, several websites claim that their analytics are already registering visitors running a pre-release version of 10.9. The feline-related codename of the OS is as of yet still unknown, but given Apple’s recent focus on Asian countries, I’ve got my guess.
Exclusive: Amazon to win ebook tussle with Apple (Reuters)
The European Union may be on the brink of settling with Apple over ebook pricing, with reports saying that the EU may accept an offer from Apple and publishers to let retailers set prices and to temporarily stop “most-favored nation” agreements. In other news, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg still has my most-favored nation status.
Apple’s Lightning to Micro USB Adapter Comes to the U.S. (Mashable)
If you’re looking for a way to make your iPhone’s new Lightning port a little more friendly to the chargers you might have lying around, the U.S. Apple Store is now selling the previously Europe-only teeny tiny $19 Lightning-to-micro-USB adapter, which I’m sure you won’t lose immediately, thus having to buy another one.

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