Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Things I Wish I Knew Coming Building a Business Online Three Years Ago

Things I Wish I Knew Coming Building a Business Online Three Years Ago Well, if you’ve made the decision of wanting to be an internet or social media marketer then that’s great and I truly do wish you the best with your new or existing venture. I’ve been doing this for about three years now and still not close to my goals. I’ve made some money, hired some mentors, gathered some clients, and even been to a couple of new places such as Dubai but it doesn’t amount to the amount of effort and energy that I still need to put forth.

Right Outside My Hotel

I’m writing you this blog post today because I wanted to tell you a couple of things that will probably help you out right now that you’ve probably not heard of yet or if you have you probably haven’t really paid attention to it..
Trying to make a living online is probably one of the hardest things you’re going to encounter. You will hear people tell you to follow your passion, follow a keyword rich industry, start an freelance writing career, become an affiliate marketer, or create your own informational products. Which all of those are some great areas to get into but one thing that is never talked about a lot is the personal development and financial stability arenas you need to understand before you begin.
You see when I first began in this industry I had no idea what I was doing and I had no money. I mean I started this with just -$35.22 in my Citibank checking account and I was totally lost. If I knew what I know today I probably would of never left my job or probably would of found a part time job for at least six months to a year to get my financials under order. That’s what you must do! Please, don’t just think just because you hear people having six and seven figure product launches that you’re going to do it out of the gate.
It truly does take preparation, time, and money to make money online. If you can clear out most of your bills under $200 per month for at least six months and get all of your small bills wiped off of your books. This will clear so much frustration out of your life that you will thank me later on. Then you need to save your monthly expenses for at least four months at minium but try and shoot for eight months. You want the comfort to really be flexibile with your time and devote a nice amount of time to growing your business.
Dubai’s Transit Station
These are things that so many people never consider.
You either hate your boss and want to leave or you’re just bored at work. But, you have to understand that when the frustration settles and the boredom goes away you’re still going to be left with bills to pay.
Next thing is that understanding and reading about personal development is very crucial. Before you take that giant leap of faith understand that you’re about to step in an area of life where most people fail in three months, most people get scared, depressed, lose relationships, and a lot more. So, you need to prepare not just yourself but also the people around you too.

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